Landscape Design

Christmas is just around the corner, and despite your best efforts, you still have names left on your gift shopping list. Chances are that these people are the ones who are either very particular, already have everything, or that you just don't know very well, making them nearly impossible to buy for. If a few names have got you completely stumped, this last-minute houseplant gift-giving guide has the perfect plants for even the hardest people to shop for on your list!

1. The Maidenhair Fern: For Your Mother-in-Law With the Green Thumb

Because it requires a watchful eye to keep it happy, the maidenhair fern is the perfect gift for your attentive, green-thumb mother-in-law! A delicate beauty with lace-like leaves, this stunning fern is considered a diva in the plant world and isn't for the inexperienced plant parent. To steer your recipient towards success with the maidenhair fern, suggest that they keep it in an area with high humidity, bright, indirect sunlight, and no cold drafts.

2. The Chinese Money Plant: For Your Very Social Next-Door Neighbor

For your neighbor who loves striking up a conversation over your shared fence and always seems to have a few friends over for cocktails, the Chinese money plant is an excellent gift option! Also known as the pancake plant for its whimsically thin, round leaves, this easy-to-care-for plant makes a great conversation starter and has a bright and fun personality that'll match your neighbor's perfectly. Plus, the Chinese money fern is like the plant that keeps on giving, since it’s constantly popping out smaller offshoots. This makes it perfect for that social butterfly on your list, as it gives them a nonstop supply of plants to propagate and give to friends and family!

As for care, the Chinese money plant does best in medium to bright indirect sunlight and should be watered when the soil is almost completely dry. A good indicator of when it needs a drink is when its leaves start drooping.

3. The ZZ Plant: For Your Globetrotting Secret Santa

For that mysterious, jet-setting work colleague you pulled for Secret Santa, the ZZ plant makes an ideal gift. Since it's so drought-tolerant, the hardy ZZ plant is a good fit for anyone who can't commit to rigorous plant maintenance, as it only needs watering around once a month when its soil has fully dried out. The ZZ plant is also incredibly beginner-friendly and can survive in low-light environments. It's also an incredibly aesthetic plant, with gorgeously glossy lobed leaves, and can grow quite fast if given the right conditions. This all makes the ZZ plant an ideal choice for anyone you don't know very well, as it’s almost certain to beautify and survive in any environment.

4. The Snake Plant: For Your Child's Teacher, the New Plant Parent

For your child's teacher, who's trying to get as good with plants as she is with children, the snake plant is a perfect choice. The snake plant is virtually indestructible, which—like the ZZ plant—makes it a great starter option for anyone beginning their journey into newfound plant parenthood!

The incredibly low-maintenance snake plant is a succulent that stores water in its leaves, so it will only want water when its soil has completely dried out. This makes it perfect for anyone leading a hectic lifestyle who may forget a watering or two, like your child's teacher. Snake plants also thrive in lower light conditions, making them perfect for those dimly-lit offices and classrooms. Best of all, the ever-talented snake plant is one of nature's top air purifiers, instantly improving the air quality of wherever it's placed.

We carry a wide selection of these and other incredibly unique houseplants in our garden center. If you're still looking for a last-minute gift idea for that specific someone, worry not: you'll find the perfect present for everyone on your list at Westwood Gardens!

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