Landscape Design

Fruits and berries grown in your own garden will be the most delicious fruit you’ll taste. And for good reason – sucrose levels are highest when you first pick your fruit! Yum. From tree fruits like apples and peaches to juicy berry bushes like blackberries and blueberries, each plant species bears its own unique flavors. Lots of fruits, particularly blueberries and blackberries do very well in the Northwest Arkansas area.

key features

Fresh fruit in your backyard

Blooms that attract pollinators

Harvest the fruits of your labor (literally)

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Benefits of Growing Fruits and Berries

Discover the countless benefits of cultivating fruit and berry plants in your garden:

  • Fresh Harvests: Enjoy the pleasure of harvesting ripe, flavorful fruits and berries straight from your garden, at the peak of freshness.
  • Nutritional Riches: Fruits and berries are rich sources of essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and dietary fiber, supporting overall health and well-being.
  • Garden Beauty: Fruit and berry plants enhance the visual appeal of your garden landscape with their seasonal blooms, lush foliage, and colorful fruit displays, creating a vibrant and inviting outdoor space.
  • Self-Sufficiency: Growing your own fruits and berries empowers you to become more self-sufficient and environmentally conscious, reducing reliance on store-bought produce and minimizing your carbon footprint.

Caring for Your Fruit and Berry Plants

Nurturing your fruit and berry plants is essential to ensure healthy growth, bountiful harvests, and long-term success in your garden. Here are some key tips for keeping your fruit healthy:

Watering: Provide consistent moisture to your fruit and berry plants, especially during periods of active growth and fruit development. Keep the soil evenly moist, but avoid waterlogging, which can lead to root rot. Water deeply and infrequently, allowing the soil to dry out slightly between waterings.

Fertilizing: Feed your fruit and berry plants with a balanced fertilizer formulated specifically for fruit-bearing plants. Apply fertilizer according to package instructions, typically in early spring before new growth begins and again in late spring or early summer as fruit starts to form.

Pruning: Prune your fruit and berry plants regularly to promote healthy growth, improve air circulation, and maximize fruit production. Remove dead, diseased, or damaged branches, as well as any crowded or crossing branches. Pruning encourages the development of strong, productive branches and helps maintain the overall shape and vigor of the plant. Each fruit has different pruning requirements, so be sure to check the tag or do some research on best practices. 

Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as shredded bark or compost, around the base of your fruit and berry plants to conserve moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature. Mulching also adds organic matter to the soil as it decomposes, enriching the soil and improving its structure.

Pest and Disease Management: Monitor your fruit and berry plants regularly for signs of pests, diseases, or other problems. Take proactive measures to prevent infestations and infections, such as practicing good sanitation, promoting plant health, and using organic pest control methods when necessary.

Support and Training: Provide support and training for fruit-bearing plants that require it (BLACKBERRIES!), such as trellising for climbing berries or staking for tall fruit trees. Proper support helps prevent breakage, improves air circulation, and makes harvesting easier.

Harvesting: Harvest your fruit and berries at the peak of ripeness for the best flavor and quality. Use clean, sharp tools to avoid damaging the plants and handle the fruit gently to prevent bruising or spoilage. Enjoy the fruits of your labor fresh, or preserve them through freezing, canning, or drying for future use.

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