Landscape Design

Houseplants are a fantastic way to decorate your home, improve air quality, and boost your mood. Of course, each plant has different needs, but if your home happens to have super-sunny windows, then these are the best houseplants for you!


Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis)

The irony is not lost on us that this sun-loving plant produces a natural remedy for healing sunburns. Aloe Vera is a succulent-type plant with attractive fleshy spikes that are filled with its healing gel. These useful plants are incredibly low-maintenance and are tolerant of drought and neglect. Just make sure your Aloe is potted in a container with drainage and the soil has ample aeration for air circulation.  

Croton (Codiaeum variegatum)

The Croton is a beloved tropical houseplant for its vibrant foliage that produces large, veined leaves in shades of red, yellow, orange, green, and purple. The more sunlight Crotons receive, the more brilliant the colors are, making them an ideal sunny window plant! Crotons can be a touch dramatic and will let you know if they're feeling thirsty or neglected. The leaves of this plant will droop sadly but will perk right back up as soon as they're watered! To keep your Croton happy, water when the top inch of soil feels dry. This plant also doesn't like to be moved too often, so once you've picked the perfect spot for it, it's best to leave it alone.

Echeveria (Echeveria)

We love the rosette pattern of this succulent plant's leaves! There are many different varieties of Echeveria that come in all kinds of colors and shapes, like the stunning pale pink leaves of the Pink Frills Echeveria and the red-tipped green leaves of the Miranda Echeveria. Group your favorites in one container or pot them separately along your window sill! Echeveria is a low-maintenance plant, needing water only once the soil is bone dry. When you water them, be careful to only water the soil at the base of the plant. If water sits on the fleshy leaves for too long, they can rot and invite pests. Most succulents are sun-loving plants, so you can't go wrong and will have endless options! Other popular succulent plants to consider are Jade plants, Cacti, and String of Pearls.

Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)

If you're looking for a houseplant that produces showy flowers, nothing gives off tropical vibes like the gorgeous Hibiscus. Native to Hawaii, this plant is all about the sun and produces dazzling blooms in pink, purple, yellow, orange, and white. Keep your Hibiscus plant nice and compact by pinching the blooms regularly and feed with a potassium-rich fertilizer. Hibiscus likes to be kept evenly moist and won't tolerate neglect; underwatering will often result in shriveled flowers and leaf drop. If you're noticing your Hibiscus isn't flowering, that could indicate it's not getting enough sunlight! Don't be shy to place your Hibiscus in the brightest, hottest spot you have.  

Jasmine (Jasminum)

One of our favorite fragrant plants, Jasmine, also loves a good sunny window. As long as this plant gets the right light, your home can be graced with the small white blooms a few times a year. Jasmine likes to be kept consistently moist but not soggy, and it will not tolerate periods of drought! When your Jasmine is in bloom, it's essential to keep an eye on the soil as they need to be watered more frequently while flowering.

Now that you have an idea of some great houseplants for sunny windows, it's time for the best part—plant shopping! Stop into our Westwood Garden Center locations to browse our houseplant selection today.

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