Landscape Design

All that dreary dark corner in your home needs is a houseplant to energize it! Houseplants are a great way to decorate your home and boost your mood, but not every plant has the natural ability to thrive in low-light conditions. That's why we have gathered up a gang of rebel houseplants that are more than happy to live in a dark room 365 days a year! Everything you need to know on what plants to include in your shaded areas and how to care for them is right here.

Snake Plant

The snake plant is that plant that is happy anywhere you set it. Snake plants require little to no maintenance, and there are many fabulous color and variegation patterns available! ​​Sansevieria laurentii is one of our favorite variations of snake plant for its sword-like dramatic green leaves decorated with hints of yellow. Place your snake plant in an area non-accessible to the children and animals inside your home, as their foliage can be toxic!

ZZ Plant

There isn't a houseplant like a ZZ plant! ZZs are die-hard houseplants that are extremely easy to maintain, require little to no light, and offer an attractive look to compliment your interior decor. Their thick oval-shaped foliage draws your eyes in as soon as you enter the room. The best thing about ZZs is that they are grown from rhizomes, making them extremely drought resistant. You'll only have to water your ZZ once every 2-3 weeks!


This full and bushy house plant turns up the volume in the room. Though its appearance is showy, it isn't demanding in terms of maintenance! Pothos do their best when their soil has time to dry out between waterings. You will want to water your pothos plant no more than once every 1-2 weeks. As natural trailers, they make great indoor hanging plants placed up high on shelves.


Calatheas shrivel like raisins in the sun, making them the perfect houseplant to shove in the corner of your home or office. Their beautiful colored leaves won't go unnoticed no matter how dark of a corner you place them in because they are just too beautiful! Calatheas thrive best when given regular mistings and have consistently moist soil.


Among the things that make these lovely climbing and trailing houseplants so intriguing is their variety of leaf shapes, colors, and textures. Plus, they smell good and are extremely showy, ranging from colors of dramatic blacks to delicate light pinks. Though they can tolerate the low light quite well, your hoya houseplant will not flower unless it receives at least two hours of bright, indirect sunlight per day. Dark-colored leaf varieties will likely do better in darker conditions than others. Hoyas are perfect for a spot in your home that gets bright, indirect light in the morning and low light all afternoon.

Areca Palm

A great houseplant for filling large spaces or corners in the home, areca palms stand still, look pretty, and demand next to no care in return. Arecas are one of the few palms that tolerate trimming well, which means that you can keep mature plants indoors for their entire lifespan of up to 10 years. That's a lot of beauty to enjoy! You'll want to keep this houseplant in a shaded area of your home, watering every 7-10 days.

There is no shortage of beauty from indoor shade-loving house plants. From leafy areca palms to trailing pothos plants, your home will look brand new when incorporating this gorgeous foliage into the darker areas of your home. Visit us at Westwood Gardens for more information on selecting the perfect shade-loving houseplants for your space!

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