Landscape Design

Annuals only last one growing season, but they put on quite a colorful show all season long. Some of the best shows of color come from sun-loving annuals. Below is a list of our top picks of annuals for sun:



Geraniums are one of our signature Westwood Grown Plants. These are the number-one selling annual for sun. Why? Because they are easy to care for and resilient. They can get dry and still survive, they can take aa range of light conditions, and they are just all around tough. Not to mention they also continue to produce huge softball-sized blooms throughout the summer heat! Make sure you pinch off the spent blooms and you will have a healthy, beautiful geranium all through the season. (Video Here.)


Spreading Petunias

Petunias are another one of our favorite annuals for sun. They have large trumpet-shaped blooms that seem to announce color to the world. They will mound and spread, filling a pretty sizable area in your garden. We have these in a variety of colors so that there is one for any color scheme you have in your garden.

Sun Coleus

Sun Coleus

Sun Coleus (not to be confused with shade) is on our top annuals list because of its colorful foliage. This plant doesn't need a bloom to add some glowing colors to your garden. They come in a variety of warm colors including reds, neon greens, purples, oranges, pinks and more. This annual grows fast, so if you want a quick show of color, Coleus is your friend.



This unique blooming plant has one of our favorite blooms. With an ombre show of colors in a single bloom, this annual gives a summer show. But this pick is more than just a beauty. Lantana is TOUGH. It can take the heat...and drought...and still survive. No wonder it seems to be in everyone's cart in the Spring and Summer.



Angelonia is not one of our best sellers, but it is an up-and-comer in our opinion. It has the same strength as Lantana (heat and drought tolerant), but also produces scented, towering blooms. If this isn't on your list for Spring, try it and see what you think! Because we think you will fall in love.These annuals will perform well in the full sun, even through our hot (sunny) summers. So come see us to pick up a few of these sun-loving annuals today!

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