Landscape Design


Picture this: It's cold, you've got a part-sun, maybe even shade situation going on, but you want color in your landscape.

At Westwood Gardens, we've got you covered. Here are our current favorites at our store(s), so come see us and let us help you add some visual interest to your environment!

1. Yuletide Camelia


Hard to believe this evergreen beauty thrives in cold weather! Brilliant red blooms with bright yellow stamens make an elegant statement in the winter garden, and an excellent foundation shrub. In addition, the glossy, dark green foliage creates a handsome natural hedge. Blooms fall through winter. Average size is 8 to 10 ft. tall and wide. Only needs 3-6 hours of sunlight!

2. Charity Mahonia


This statuesque, evergreen shrub is a stellar specimen for the winter garden. It has dramatic, frond-like leaves that grow in whorls along its coarsely branched stems. Great sprays of soft yellow flowers appear in winter (seen here) developing into clusters of black berries by late summer and fall. Its beautiful foliage and upright growth habit make this selection a strong focal point in the garden. Blooms in winter. Reaches 10 to 15 feet tall if not pruned. Only needs 3-6 hours of sunlight.

3. Pieris 'Flaming Silver'


This compact evergreen features white flowers with upright, tiered dense growth. You can look forward to fiery red new growth,  turning chartreuse, then maturing to variegated green and cream. Reaches 2-3' tall and 2-3' wide.

4. Ornamental Berries


Pictured here is 'Berri-Magic' Royalty Holly Combination. Fun fact: a profusion of bright red berries fall through winter is assured because a male pollinizer is planted in the same container. Makes a beautiful dense hedge, and tolerates shearing well. Long-lasting fruit is great for holiday decoration. Average size 8 to 10 ft tall and 6 to 8 ft wide.

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