Landscape Design

Fall Gardening: The Best Time to Plant

Gardeners, rejoice—fall is here, and with it comes the perfect window of time to plant! While many people think of spring as the main planting season, fall offers numerous advantages for gardeners looking to give their plants a strong head start.

Why is Fall the Best Time to Plant?

Most importantly, while temperatures are slowly dropping, the root system of your plants remains very active. As long as the soil temperature stays above 50°F, roots will continue to grow. This means that even though your plants might not appear to be growing much above ground, there's a lot happening beneath the surface. Plants (and especially trees and shrubs) that are established in the fall develop larger and stronger root systems, giving them a better chance to thrive come spring.

By planting now, you ensure that your plants have time to establish themselves in the cooler months, making them more resilient when spring arrives. When the weather warms up, they’ll have a robust root system ready to support vigorous growth and stunning blooms.

Mulching: A Must for Fall Planting

Don’t forget the mulch! Mulching your plants in the fall is a critical step. When winter temperatures drop, mulch acts as insulation for your plant roots, protecting them from freezing and helping to maintain a consistent soil temperature. In addition, mulch stores food and nutrients, so when spring arrives, your plants will have the energy they need for a healthy start.

Mulch also helps retain moisture, prevents weed growth, and adds nutrients to the soil as it breaks down. Be sure to apply a thick layer around the base of your plants to ensure they’re well-protected through the colder months.

Cool-Season Annuals to Plant in Fall

If you're looking for a splash of color, pansies and violas are excellent choices for cool-season annuals. These hardy flowers not only add beauty to your garden but also tolerate cooler temperatures, providing a burst of color throughout fall and early winter. When you plant them in the fall, they'll continue to bloom, even through the first frost, and many will survive through to spring.

Fall Watering: Still Essential

Watering is just as important in the fall as it is in any other season. Even though the temperatures are cooler, plants still need moisture to establish their roots. In fact, due to erratic weather patterns, such as unexpected dry spells, it's important to monitor soil moisture regularly. A simple test: stick your finger into the soil up to your second knuckle. If it feels dry, it's time to water.

Just because the temperatures are cooler doesn’t mean your plants don’t need hydration. Keep an eye on rainfall and supplement when necessary. Plants that go into winter well-watered will fare better in the spring.

Enjoy the Cooler Weather While Gardening

One of the added benefits of gardening in the fall is how much more enjoyable it is compared to summer. Gone are the sweltering hot days, replaced by cooler, more comfortable temperatures that make it easier to get outside and tend to your garden.

Fall is the perfect time to plant perennials like ornamental grasses, echinacea, caryopteris, and groundcovers. These plants will benefit from fall’s ideal growing conditions and will emerge strong and healthy in the spring.

Visit Westwood Gardens for All Your Fall Planting Needs

Whether you're planting annuals, perennials, or shrubs, fall is the ideal time to get started. At Westwood Gardens, we’re here to help you every step of the way. Stop by to ask questions, find the best plants for fall planting, and stock up on all your essential gardening tools. Our team of experts can guide you in selecting the perfect plants and give you tips to ensure success in your fall garden.

Good luck in the garden, and we look forward to helping you grow something beautiful!

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