Landscape Design

Tools for gardening are almost as important as the plants and soil. Not having the right tools can really limit your ability to develop the yard of your dreams. These are the essential tools that every gardener, beginner to advanced, should have on-hand to knock out every outdoor chore on your list.

1. Wheelbarrow

Even in a small yard, you're going to need to move things around, like planters, soil, tools, clippings, or mulch. A wheelbarrow makes this process way more efficient, with less pressure on your back. There are plenty of different styles available, so try them out in-store before you settle on one.

2. Spade

There are always holes to be dug in the garden. Whether it's to put new plants or fence posts in the ground, or just to loosen the soil for planting, you'll need a good, sturdy spade. When shopping for a spade, pick each one up and try them out. Heavier spades aren't always better. It's good to have a strong blade, but if the whole thing is too heavy, you're going to tire out quickly while using it.

3. Garden Fork

Sometimes the soil is so compacted that even a spade has a hard time with it. Situations like these are times when a garden fork comes in handy. This tool is also helpful to have around when you're harvesting potatoes, carrots, beets, and onions. You'll want a solid digging fork with thick tines—square tines are the strongest—and enough of a shoulder where the handle meets the fork that you can easily step on it to drive the fork deeper.

4. Stirrup Hoe

A stirrup hoe features a steel blade at the bottom that looks much like a stirrup on a saddle. It is one of the most useful weeding tools available. The blade slides along just under the surface of the soil, chopping off everything in its wake. It makes weeding fast and easy. There are a variety of sizes available, and it can be handy to have more than one. For instance, one with a wide blade, and one with a narrower blade to fit into tight spots near the base of plants.  

5. Trowel

If you plant annuals or perennials every year, you'll want a sturdy hand trowel. They're the perfect size for digging little holes for new plants. Some include measurements on the blade so you can tell exactly how deep you've dug each hole. Choose something with a fairly thick but sharp blade and a handle that feels comfortable in your dominant hand. Thin blades tend to bend easily and flatten out quickly, so avoid anything that feels too light or flimsy.

6. Hand Pruners

Whether its tiny errant branches on a shrub, misguided vines on squash, or cleaning up spent blossoms on a perennial, a pair of hand pruners is invaluable. Good hand pruners may actually be the most essential tool in a gardener's arsenal. Try out a few different styles. Pick one that feels comfortable and natural in your hand, and that isn't too difficult to operate. Pro Tip: all gardeners will eventually misplace their pruners, so it might be a good idea to get two pairs.

7. Loppers

Loppers are similar to pruners, but with longer handles. The blades are usually a little larger and stronger, so they can handle branches up to 1.5 inches in diameter. The long handles give you extra leverage for hard cuts, and they let you reach quite a bit higher or further into a shrub than hand pruners.

8. Rake

Even if you don't have deciduous trees, it's an excellent idea to keep a rake on hand. A thick rigid rake is useful for spreading and breaking up soil or mulch. A leaf rake is great for picking up fall leaves, as well as piles of pruned-off branches, dead foliage, and grass clippings.

9. Watering Wand

If you've got hanging baskets, lots of planters, or raised garden beds, a watering wand makes the process of watering a lot easier and saves you some shoulder and backaches. Choose one that includes a fine spray setting for gently watering young plants.Are your tools all ready for spring gardening? Are you sure you know where your hand pruners are? Or maybe you have a friend who's just getting into gardening—tools make excellent gifts! Stop by one of our garden center locations and have a look through our inventory.

We carry a large selection of essential gardening tools in North West Arkansas that can help you get more done in your garden than you ever thought possible!

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