Landscape Design

Painted Pumpkins

Supplies: Pumpkin (real or faux), paintbrushes, mod podge, acrylic paints.Instead of carving your pumpkin, try painting it! You can use a real pumpkin or pick up some fake ones from a craft store to reuse as part of your décor every year. All you need to do is coat your pumpkin in a layer of mod podge and let it dry for 24 hours. The mod podge acts as a sealant and gives you a better surface to work on.Once the surface is dry, you’re free to use your acrylic paints to create any design you like! Whether you want a spooky scene or something more modern, the only limit is your imagination (and perhaps your artistic ability). If you use real pumpkins, you can still scoop out the insides and roast the seeds, but we suggest doing this before painting them.

Pumpkin Planter

Supplies: Pumpkin, succulents, sphagnum moss, ornamental accents (optional), hot glue gun.As plant-lovers, this unique no-carve pumpkin decorating idea is a must-try! The best part—it can be as simple or intricate as you want while adding a fresh twist to your fall décor.First, cut off the stem of your pumpkin, so you have a smooth and relatively flat surface to work on. Then spray the top of the pumpkin with an adhesive—because this is a no-carve decorating idea—and place a layer of sphagnum moss on top of the adhesive, allowing a few minutes for it to dry.While the adhesive is curing, carefully remove all the soil from your succulents and trim back the roots as necessary. If you have succulent cuttings, this is a great craft to use them for! Make sure you use an assortment of succulent sizes and colors for a textured look. Using your hot glue gun, begin gluing your succulents in place. You can add ornamental accents like dried flowers, twigs, or small pinecones if you wish.To care for your succulents, spritz the moss with water twice a week and make sure it’s in a place that gets plenty of sun. Your pumpkin will only last a couple of months, but once it starts to decompose, cut off the top and place your succulent arrangement directly in a planter to continue growing it. Another cute idea? Try this idea using miniature pumpkins and scatter them around the house!

Pumpkin Vase

Supplies: Pumpkin, cut flowers (real or faux), serrated knife.This no-carve pumpkin decorating idea is so simple yet elegant and takes almost no time at all! Choose a pumpkin and cut off the top, then scoop out the innards. If you want to use real flowers, make sure the hole is large enough that you can place a small vessel filled with water inside, like a glass vase or bowl. Then arrange your flowers to your liking, trimming the stems as necessary.This simple pumpkin vase makes a great centerpiece for a Halloween or fall dinner party. You can leave your pumpkin au natural or paint it beforehand so that it matches the rest of your décor scheme.We hope these fun no-carve pumpkin decorating ideas have inspired you to try something new this year! At Westwood Gardens, we have a full selection of pumpkins just waiting for you and your creative mind. Visit us today![/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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