Landscape Design

We've explored houseplants for the living room and the kitchen, and our next stop on the houseplants house tour is the bathroom. Bathrooms are often lower-light environments and can be quite humid, so they're an excellent location for those plants that love moisture and don't like direct sunshine.

Here are a few of the best plants for bathrooms in Northwest Arkansas.

Asparagus Ferns are not technically a fern, technically they're a member of the lily family, though they don't bloom very often. Asparagus ferns love humidity, so they're a plant that will do well in a bathroom. They do like bright light, so they will do best if placed near a window. Their soft full foliage is beautiful and elegant. Keep the soil of your Asparagus fern evenly moist.

Maidenhair Ferns are beautiful houseplants with their rows of tiny circular leaves on graceful fronds. Maidenhair ferns can be a bit high-maintenance, but they're worth the effort. They'll do well near a north-facing window with no drafts. They won't tolerate drafts or dry air, so a humid bathroom should keep them happier. Even if you're fond of humidity-boosting hot showers, your Maidenhair will still benefit from regular misting or a pebble tray. Maidenhairs need consistently moist soil, so don't put them in a clay or terracotta pot, which will let the soil dry out faster. They'll perform best in a plastic pot with drainage holes, which you can set inside a more decorative pot if you like. Maidenhairs will likely require water every few days, so check the soil regularly.

Phalaenopsis Orchids, also known as Moth Orchids, are a low-light tolerant and humidity-loving plant, perfect for the bathroom. Their slender, reaching stems and delicate blooms bring a certain "zen" element that makes an ordinary bathroom feel like a spa! Phalaenopsis Orchid flowers come in an assortment of attractive colors and can last for several months. In the wild, many varieties of orchid are epiphytes, which means they don't grow in soil. They anchor themselves to a tree and collect and store moisture from infrequent rainfall. This means they need a really well-draining potting medium. An orchid-specific mix with lots of bark is the best growing medium for these bathroom-friendly beauties.

Tillandsia, commonly known as “air plants,” are another epiphyte that also love a humid environment like the bathroom. They're also tolerant of lower light situations. One common mistake people make with air plants is assuming misting or bathroom humidity will be enough to keep them happy, but it needs a little more love than that! If the air in your home tends to be dry, you'll still need to give your air plant a good soak at least once per week.

ZZ Plant adds a vibrant, rich green to the bathroom. It's a slower grower, tolerates lower light, and likes humidity. ZZ plant seems to thrive on neglect and doesn't need to be watered very often. Its oval leaves add structure, and the shiny, waxy leaves reflect light, which brightens a small bathroom.

Golden Pothos is an incredibly popular houseplant for beginners thanks to its tolerance for low light and neglect. The glossy, ovate leaves of this Pothos variety are vibrant emerald green with flecks of golden yellow. Golden Pothos is a trailing plant that instantly brightens up high shelves, the tops of cabinets, and virtually anywhere else that could use a dose of foliage. When you notice it looking a little droopy, just perk it up with a glass of water from the bathroom sink!

Sanseveria, which also goes by Snake Plant or the less-flattering Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, is one of the most indestructible plants of the bunch. Its ability to survive on barely any natural light has made it wildly popular in commercial settings, like shopping malls and medical offices. The large, sturdy, upright foliage comes in a few exotic color variations, like forest-and-silvery-green stripes or bright yellow and emerald variegated specimens. A Sanseveria is a great space filler for awkward bathroom corners.

If you don't have any bathroom plants yet, you might be surprised by how much they can liven up this often-neglected room in your home. We have a wide variety of beautiful houseplants available at our garden centers in Northwest Arkansas. Stop by for a visit, and we can help you pick out some great houseplants for your bathroom. Our next stop in the houseplant room tour is the bedroom, so keep an eye out for our next installment!

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