Landscape Design

Starting your growing season on the right foot is crucial for planting success. Regardless of what you're looking to grow, a little bit of planning before you plant is the best way to make the most of your space and time, ensuring your garden stays lush and bountiful all season long. Whether you're a planting beginner or have done this sort of thing before, here's a little guide to help you start this spring off strong!

Location, Location, Location!

Regardless of what you're planting, remember that the location of your crops is critical to their success. Specifically, consider factors such as visibility, intruders, and accessibility when choosing the perfect places for your veggies, flowers, and fruit trees. Also, remember to keep your plants away from high-traffic play zones; if you dig out a new garden bed in an area where your children or pets frequently play, you could end up with a whole lot of disappointment! Another one of our top tips is to plant your gardens within view of your patio, balcony, or windows. The more frequently you see your garden, the more you'll be inclined to tend to it!

Pick your Produce

Growing your own food crops is an exciting and nourishing endeavor, but planting more than you can eat is a recipe for disaster! While the idea of a garden overflowing with tomato vines and lettuce heads may seem appealing, planting only what you know you'll eat will help you make better use of your space and cut down on food waste. Another good planting tip is to buy locally-grown Arkansan plants whenever possible, as this helps support your local economy and ensures your crops are acclimatized to their planting conditions. Finally, it's important to give each of your plants enough space to grow, so research the expected growth rate of your chosen fruits, veggies, and other garden beauties before planting to avoid overcrowding and ensure a bountiful harvest!

Companion Planting

If you've never heard of companion planting, we definitely recommend looking into it, as it's one of the best, all-natural ways to grow a strong and healthy garden this year. Essentially, companion planting takes advantage of the fact that some plants, when grown together, benefit each other by improving flavor, repelling common garden pests, improving plant pollination, and increasing soil quality. For instance, marigolds will help repel the insects that invade tomato plant roots, while planting sunflowers and corn together will increase the yield of both!

Start From The Soil Up

Our plants need all the help they can get come springtime, so giving them the boost they need with a high-quality soil is the best way to ensure your garden's success. While some plants crave a planting material rich in nutrient-dense compounds, others–like lavender, sage, and many other alpine varieties–prefer well-draining and less nutritious soils, so always double-check each of your plant's requirements before planting and group together plants that share common basic needs. All garden beds will also benefit from a good mulching, which will help your soil retain moisture and keep roots protected.


New crops—at the seed or seedling stage—will need regular watering, so make sure you don't let them dry out. Once they're established, you can then get them on a regular watering schedule of around 1-3 times per week, depending on the heat. Some crops, like carrots, cucumbers, and peppers, need extra water when fruiting, so pay attention to your plants' unique requirements and growth stages, adjusting their watering accordingly for the best results.

Feed Your Darlings

Along with a regular watering schedule, you'll also want to regularly use a balanced fertilizer for the best results in your garden. Liquid seaweed and tomato plant food are both excellent choices, as is an all-purpose, water-soluble fertilizer.


You can create tons of space for more plants in your garden this year by planting in containers on your patio or around your yard. This is a particularly great option if you're growing plants with different soil or watering needs, or if you have plants that need to be frequently moved out of direct sunlight. They also look amazing, so have fun with them!

Frost Dates

One of the most important tips we can give you is to be mindful of frost dates in your planting zone (April 15 in NWA). This ensures your garden won't suffer any needless traumas or plant deaths due to colder temperatures or hostile weather storms.

Make it Last!

A great final tip for any gardener planting crops is to stagger your planting, as it allows you to continue harvesting produce for months and keeps you from ending up with too much food to eat at once. To do so, plant smaller amounts of seeds at a time, and allow a few weeks between plantings. Crops like lettuce, carrots, and peas do exceptionally well with staggered planting.Starting your garden every spring is an incredibly exciting and rewarding venture, and we at Westwood Gardens want to help you make the most of Arkansas' growing season this year by sharing all of our best planting tips. Whether you're looking for more advice or the right tools and supplies to get going, come visit us today at one of our Fayetteville or Rogers locations to start your spring off right!

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