Landscape Design

Our last stop in the houseplants room tour is the bedroom. Your bedroom should be a calming space where you can relax and feel at ease. Houseplants can add to the comforting ambiance, and some can even help you sleep better. Whether your bedroom is tiny and cozy or spacious and bright, you can definitely fit some plants in. Since most of us don't spend many waking hours in our bedroom, low-maintenance plants are ideal. Plants that are resilient and don't require a rigorous watering schedule will stay happy, even if you neglect them for a few weeks. Plants produce oxygen, and many of them also absorb toxins from the air, improving air quality in the bedroom. Most houseplants produce oxygen during the day when they have light to photosynthesize, but some, like Snake Plant, Gerbera, and some succulents, continue synthesis at night. They perform CAM (Crassulacean acid metabolism) photosynthesis, which basically means that they continue to absorb CO2 at night. That means they're still cleaning the air while you're sleeping! In their native arid environments, CAM helps them retain moisture during the heat of the day. Here are a few of the best plants for your bedroom.

Snake Plant is a perfect plant for the bedroom. It's super low-maintenance and can tolerate very low-light conditions. There are a variety of different snake plant varieties in varying shades of green. The narrow and tall tubular ones are tiny enough to fit on your nightstand and improve the air quality around your bed. Snake plants do not need water very frequently, and they'll happily keep on living even if you forget about them for a few weeks.

Echeveria is another delightful type of plant that does CAM photosynthesis. Echeveria is usually quite small and can fit well into a smaller bedroom, whether on a dresser or in a windowsill. Echeveria does prefer lots of sunshine, so they'll be happiest next to a bright window. Similar to snake plants, they don't need water very often.

Dracaena Marginata, or dragon tree, is a popular indoor tree that adds textural contrast to your bedroom decor. They feature a shock of fine red-edged foliage on one or two long, slender trunks. This dracaena is another low-maintenance houseplant that does best with infrequent waterings and a steady source of bright, indirect light.

Chinese Evergreen has gorgeous green and white variegated foliage. They're another easy-care plant that almost seems to thrive on neglect. They tolerate low-light well but do best with indirect light from your bedroom window. Too much direct sunlight on their leaves can cause them to burn.

Cast Iron Plant is another near-indestructible plant. Its leaves will burn from direct sunshine, so it will do better away from the window. The cast-iron plant can get quite big with lush, beautiful foliage. It also has low watering requirements and will be very forgiving if you forget to water for a while.

Ficus benjamina, also known as weeping fig, is usually sold as a medium-sized houseplant or a relatively large indoor tree, often with an elegant braided trunk. This tree’s beauty is in its simplicity, with ovate, deep-green leaves that decorate the fine, drooping branches. There’s a certain romantic quality to weeping fig that perfectly complements bedrooms and living rooms alike.

Plants add vibrancy and life to our homes, and they also help clean our air and make our spaces feel like home. If you're inspired to add some houseplants to your bedroom, or the other rooms in your home, visit one of our garden centers in Northwest Arkansas today. We've got a wide variety of selection, and we can help you choose the right plants for each room of your home.

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